My alarm was set for 4:30am, but my body decided to wake me at 3:30. I laid in bed, trying to snooze, but with little success. Slut laid next to me, out like a light. Occasionally she rolled over, and hugged and cuddled me in her sleep. Five minutes later, she'd roll back.
Not willing to wait any longer, I got up at 4:22am. I sat on the floor and gave myself my five minutes. I skipped my treadmill time.
With an hour to get ready and head out, I took a soothing warm shower. Once dry and mostly clothed, I woke up Slut. She took her turn in the bathroom while I checked to make sure I had everything. And boy, did I have everything. For a one day event, I brought five bags. But then again, I wouldn't be the Cabin Bitch if I didn't make sure I had planned for every eventuality.
My bags at the foot of the stairs, my quick breakfast of orange juice and a banana downed, and Slut and DeepEnd ready to go, we loaded my car. I was too awake to sleep, to awake to sit still, so I decided to drive.
We stopped at a nearby 7-11 to grab provisions: Slut's energy drinks and DeepEnd's candy. I was good. Okay, I was bouncy and excited and wanted to just get on the road, which we did. Slut was soon asleep in the back while DeepEnd and I chatted in the front.
I had had a song stuck in my head for the past few days, Drake's Make Me Proud. In my infinite wisdom, I downloaded his new album while I drove, and played the record while the two of them slept.
Hours later, the Sun coming up, a quick change of seats to help with Slut's motion sickness, and a quick Starbucks breakfast on the New Jersey Turnpike, we'd made it. It was 9:50am when we arrived at Tied Down, an event hosted by Jersey Rope Experiment.
I lugged in two of my bags, one full of rope, notebooks, and cigars. The other was Hello Kitty, of course. The event was held at a photography studio, which from the outside would never had alluded to the happenings within.
As we stepped up to the registration table, Slut went first. She bent down to sign her waiver and pay her fee. Standing there, exciting for the start, breezily he walked in from the classroom. Gray greeted us, gave me a hug, and whispered, "Glad you're here." My day, which had already been six hours long, started well.
Shuffling into the classroom, our trio settled in a corner of the horseshoe of chairs, mostly behind where the presenter would teach.
Gray was getting ready for his class on a large cushy mat. No shoes were allowed, so he leaned on the metal rack behind him to take off his boots. He looked over at me and asked if I would like to help him. I immediately dropped my bags and dropped to my knees by his feet. I loosened the laces and glided his boots off, one at a time. He thanked me, and then set the boots aside.
With class starting, Slut leaned against the metal rack while DeepEnd and I sat. I pulled out my notebook and a pen, ready for the first lesson.
Gray's presentation was his Tie Em Up & Fuck Em harness. I had taken this class before; funny enough, it was how I met Gray, back at my first Winter Fire. This version, however, was two hours long.
I was skeptical that I would gain any new knowledge, but still looked forward to a refresher of the concept. Turns out, he had intended for the class to be this longer length, and had in fact cut out material from his previous classes because of the shorten time period.
He began with what I knew, the basic harness, which he displayed with the help of his demo bottom, Ten. He then moved on to the different modifications of the harness he'd learned from his previous students. Next, he showed Shibari style ties that were similar to his harness, for those who wanted to say they were using "Japanese knots" when fucking their significant other. Last, Gray gave about a dozen different tips and tricks for improving your rope topping and rope scenes in general.
As the class progressed, our little trio cut up, just a little. DeepEnd, as Big Bro discribed later at lunch, is a conversation sniper. He is mostly quiet during the entire affair, but just wait for the times he does chime in with the oh-so-perfect line. As Gray taught, DeepEnd kept whispering hilarious quips to me. I kept laughing, but choked down my volume as to not interrupt Gray.
All three of my trio practiced on each other, seeing as all of us are learning to rope top. One fun moment was when Slut had me on the floor, my wrists secured, with the rope going up and through my crotch, to be secured to my ankles. Slut had the brilliant idea that we could make a train of bound bottoms, which had me squealing. However, this did not come to fruition (disrupting the class and all).
When Gray's presentation ended, we stood up and stretched again. I found myself jumping up and down on the corner of the presentation mat, happy and bubbly, full of ropey goodness.
We all gathered our things and prepared to head out for lunch. Gray allowed me to help him put his boots back on, a service I had not performed before. Noting our impending departure, Gray asked if he could ride along with us. I, of course, said yes. He ended up catching a ride with Ten and her friend, who followed me as I drove to the restaurant using my fancy phone's directions.
Once we arrived, Slut informed me she was in contact with Murphy. He had finally made it, public transportation seriously hampering his travels. He needed to be picked up near where the event was being held. DeepEnd, ever the awesome friend, volunteered to go grab him. He gave me his food order and departed. By the time he returned, Murphy in tow, the food soon followed.
We all ate and chatted, the conversation of DNR porn arising. Don't ask.
Our meal complete, we headed back to the event. However, on the way, I realized I needed to use the restroom, badly. So what did DeepEnd and Murphy do? Tease me constantly of course. I mean, they are sadists.
Running inside, I relived myself and quietly snuck back into class.
The second presentation of the day was given by Lochai; the subject: hogties. I sat with DeepEnd in our spot from before as Slut and Murphy worked on a blanket across the room. Gray popped in for a minute, but then was gone.
Lochai started with demonstrating the basic hogtie, but soon worked in variations. His demo bottom not feeling well, he asked for a lovely lady close to the front to volunteer. Turned out, she was quite flexible, to the delight of both Lochai and the class.
Another of his demo bottoms came up and Lochai demonstrated some hair bondage. He then, deviously, got to use his ass hook on the girl. Yes, his ass hook, which he strung up to a point and tied off, with the girl bound on the floor. Ah Lochai, such a mean dirty man, which is why we love him.
DeepEnd practiced a single column tie and a two column tie on my wrists, but wanted to mostly repeat the Texas handcuffs he'd learned earlier. I showed him a modified way of tying the knot, which he practiced over and over again. Instead of being funny and goofy, like others in the class, he was more concerned about retaining the info, grinding it into his brain. He feared he would loose everything we'd gone over in the class if he did not practice. I tried to reassure him, explaining I would teach him anything he needed to relearn, and later suggesting a weekly rope practice at the house.
Lochai's class complete, we opted to go to Gray's office hours.
We Are More Fucked Than We Know in the USA
If you burn down your house, you can rebuild it. It sucks and you'll have
lost a bunch of meaningful things and useless shit that you'll miss, but,
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