I had hoped my next post would be a wrap up of my Turkey Day Vaca (actual title of soon-to-be entry), but life has once again spoiled my plans.
As of January 1st, or sooner if I so choose, my job position will be eliminated. That's right folks: I've been laid off. The economy sucker punched me today; I am now a statistic.
Of course my life hasn't ended. I have money saved up to help cushion the hardship (thank God for the invention of the Emergency Fund), not to mention an SO helping to pay half the rent. All-in-all, things could be worse. Having said that, I know I'm going to spend a good amount of time in today's therapy session (well scheduled, I know!) trying to allow myself to cry about it.
I hope my next post here will be more fun than this one.
The Simplest Explanation: They Are Evil
"Evil" is a hard concept to get your head around. We can get close to it
when we say things like "The cruelty is the point," but that was truly
about the...
that sucks! I'm sorry about this.