- Send me a picture.
* Of what?
- Send me a picture.
* Of... what? :D
- You know what.
* And yet I keep asking.
- Be creative.
* Ok.
* [image]
* Guess the body part.
- Mmm, a game. I will say... hand.
* Good. Now, your turn.
- [image]
* I don't have to guess what that is.
- Really? But it's covered by clothing.
* Its form is distinct.
- Yeah, I like to think so.
* [image]
- Ah, that's my head rest.
* Correct, and it's cold without your lips warming it.
- I bet I know somewhere on your body that is very warm.
* And wet.
- I'm sure.
* When do you get home tonight?
- Late.
* Boo. And here I was going to show you my new night shirt.
* [image]
- O.o
- :D
* Sure you can't, um, catch a cold?
- I am feeling awfully feverish right now.
* Flushed?
- Positively sweltering.
* Perspiring?
- Buckets.
* Shivers?
- Yes, but for some reason only near my abdomen.
* What an odd symptom.
- Absolutely baffling.
* You should have that looked at. And I, being a doctor and all, would be more than happy to...fit you in.
- Your bedside care?
* Very attentive, hands on healing.
- I will need all your skill to work out the, um, kinks.
* All your kinks will get worked out, as soon as you get your cute ass home.
- Speaking of, can I get one more piece of motivation to get through my day?
* Like?
- Oh yes. Spank you very much.
* You better.
We Are More Fucked Than We Know in the USA
If you burn down your house, you can rebuild it. It sucks and you'll have
lost a bunch of meaningful things and useless shit that you'll miss, but,
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