I mentioned recently listening to one of my FetFest audio recordings. This reminded me; I have not written anything on my blog about this inaugural event yet. So, in the coming month, I will recount some of the highlights of my time that weekend.
However, for this entry, I want to get something out of the way. There was one incident that was not fun or sexy. It was, well, just wrong.
I was getting ready for the slave auction held Saturday night. As per usual for any event I've attended, I was in a hurry. I showered, changed, and was in the process of leaving out.
Though I spent the majority of my time in Rope Village, my bed was in TNG Village. The cabin was empty, save for myself.
As I got ready, a guy walked in. I could tell he was drunk, but thought nothing of it. It was an event, and I felt anyone could choose to spend their time as they wished. As I prepared to go, he asked what I was getting ready for. I casually said I was going to the slave auction to be sold.
"Really? Well then let me get a look at the goods." He reached over, put his hand down my shirt, and groped my breast. I grabbed him by the wrist and pulled his hand out, while saying, "No. I did not give you consent." I was stern and forceful, but I didn't yell. He could tell I was upset; he immediately began apologizing. I told him to just go, just leave. He walked out of the cabin.
I walked into the bathroom and took one last look at myself. I didn't know whether to scream or to cry, so I didn't do either. I grabbed my Hello Kitty bag and walked out of the cabin towards the Pavilion.
I can't really remember what the guy looked like. I never knew his name. When I recounted the story to one friend, he told me I should have slapped the guy. Another asked me if I reported him. It was as if they were both speaking another language.
One, I don't hit in anger or malice. I don't let violence enter me in that manner, ever.
Two, report him? I didn't know his name and he just was a stupid drunk. He stopped when I told him to and apologized. Yes, I felt violated and shitty, but in the moment I just wanted him gone. I just wanted to be left alone. I just wanted to feel better. Report him? Fuck him!
So, yeah. That happened. It was shitty.
But, thankfully, I soon felt better. I found people to talk to and cuddle with. Save for an awkward moment with an awkward man, I had a good time at the auction. And my night got better from there.
It was, and is, so shocking for me because it happened at an event. I always felt safe at events, sheltered and loved at events. I was with my people, my family, loving and caring and nurturing. I always felt looked after and cared for. And then I got accosted by an asshole.
So I guess, in a long round about way, this is just another person saying consent counts. Consent counts.
We Are More Fucked Than We Know in the USA
If you burn down your house, you can rebuild it. It sucks and you'll have
lost a bunch of meaningful things and useless shit that you'll miss, but,
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