I sat in the back. Tribble sat in the front. FrozenMeursault drove.
It was Sunday night, the last night at Shibaricon, and they wanted tacos.
I wanted a distraction from my emotional diarrhea. Late night food seemed perfect.
We made our way into the city, parked, and stepped into Arturo's, a 24hr taco spot. Both FM and I ordered juevos rancheros. Tribble got tacos from which we all pilfered. There was chips and super hot salsa that I avoided. FM ordered juice which he loved just a little to much.
We all played on our phones. Chatted. Occasionally watched the tela novela on the TVs above us. Bragged a bit about our evenings and past play at the event.
Late night breakfast consumed, we all wanted dessert. Walking next door, we visited the other 24hr taco spot, Lazo's. Ordered two flan, split among the three of us, and a strawberry shake, which just FM and I shared. We sat through horrible service, but enjoyed our desserts all the same.
By the time we were on our way back, all three of us were exhausted enough to pass out once we arrived at the hotel.
The next afternoon, after the closing ceremony. After lots of people exited stage left, starting their treks home. After I could endure no more long goodbyes, I found myself in their room, lazing on one of the beds, watching horrible TV, but happy to be with them.
And it occurred to me: I was going to miss our little triad.
I spent a large chunk of my Shibaricon hanging out with FM and Tribble. We dined a bunch together. Took a few classes together. FM and I played a few times. They were a sizable portion of my event. Two people I never expected to connect with, and yet.
It was sort of a running joke throughout Shibaricon between the three of us. Tribble brought it up during a lunch, saying how much she enjoyed our little triad. I smiled to myself, not thinking much of the comment.
But her words were true. We were a fun trio, sharing much of our event with each other. I took the beating Tribble didn't want. Bottomed to FM when she had other obligations. Encouraged her in her kinky pursuits. FM and I connected in our play. Enjoyed rope and tears, pain and leather. When they needed space, I gave it. When I needed space, I took it. It was kind of perfect.
And now, two weeks out, yeah. I miss our little triad.
The Simplest Explanation: They Are Evil
"Evil" is a hard concept to get your head around. We can get close to it
when we say things like "The cruelty is the point," but that was truly
about the...
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