"I'm going out tomorrow to buy destroyable clothing."
"I don't think you understand the concept of destroyables?"
"Oh no, I do. It's just I don't own any clothes I want you to destroy, so I'm buying some for you to cut off."
We left around quarter after noon with a goal of returning by 4pm. I didn't think it would take us long, but it did. I'm really glad we left so early.
Slut and I were on a mission. I needed two sets of destroyable clothing, plus a list of items for various people. Also ManKracken! had suggested I attempt to make as many off campus runs as I could, seeing as I would be at camp for eight days. For my sanity, and to aid our friends, Slut and I went on a supplies run.
Heading out, we followed my GoogleMaps intructions to a random residential neighborhood. Speed bump. After some quick recalculations, we found our way to the shopping plaza.
We ate lunch at an Asian buffet and enjoyed the air conditioning in the three digit heat.
"We look like domestic abuse victims." That we did. My leopard spots were already developing.
After lunch was GoodWill, where I purchased a top, skirt, and dress for my two scenes that would include cutting off of my clothing.
"Be careful. Don't get attached to your destroyables." Thankfully I picked outfits Slut thought looked cute on me but I had no special attachment to.
After GoodWill was Wal-Mart; big fail there. No bug netting. No Ronson lighter. No softcups. We needed to make at least two more stops.
As I quickly found a CVS, Slut soon showed her fatigue. She stayed in the car as I dashed in and out. Emboldened by finding the last box of the needed feminine items, I searched still further for a cigar shop, needing supplies for Graydancer's Cigar Play 201 class, which started in an hour and a half.
I was so gleeful to find a tobacco shop five minutes away. My glee was soon replaced with devastation as I walked up to the window, looked inside, and realized the store was empty.
Searching again, I found another shop ten minutes away. Speeding, I then realized I needed to pay a six dollar toll to get there. But, once I got there, heaven. I found the lighter I needed, purchased a punch for myself, and took a bunch of cards to hand out to cigar folk.
We made it back on campus with just enough time for me to deliver supplies and hussle over to Gray's class.
We Are More Fucked Than We Know in the USA
If you burn down your house, you can rebuild it. It sucks and you'll have
lost a bunch of meaningful things and useless shit that you'll miss, but,
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